
The Geek Locker will be adding projects throughout 2024, and below are some highlighted project from past GL work.

Supportal Combat: Visualizing NA LCS Support Play Styles

The role of a support is to provide assists for their team, but not everyone does it in the same way. Certainly, a team’s overall strategy affects the support’s role on a team, but their individual strengths, weaknesses, and tendencies must also shine through. Using a couple different visualizations, we can broadly determine what NA LCS supports play similar to one another, and who has unique play styles.

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Baron vs. Dragon: Neutral Objective Control

In a continued effort to analyze the NA LCS Spring Split, we can now begin to look at how teams attack neutral objectives. Which teams are aggressive, which do not contest often, and is there a strong correlation between your kills at Baron & Dragon?

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Team Play Visualizations of NA LCS Spring Split 2018

In attempting to try to visualize the different between teams in the NA LCS, I’ve been exploring many different routes. Most recently, I’ve been looking at when teams clock assists throughout their games during a full season. The resulting histograms seem to help characterize the playstyle of different teams, and there does not appear to be a “winning” or “losing” assist distribution throughout games— there are many different playstyles that lead to wins at the professional level.

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NA LCS Spring 2018 Data Visualization

There is an incredible value in being able to represent complex data sets visually, and the same holds true for competitive League of Legends. Recently, I’ve been looking at different methods of visualizing pro play, and have done some work in gathering data and constructing useful diagrams for the NA LCS (Spring Split 2018). I’ve only begun to scratch the surface on this project and will be continuing the research in the weeks to come.

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Luck and Skill in Professional League of Legends

My undergraduate thesis, which studies the balance of luck and skill in the outcome of professional League of Legends matches. The piece looks at the differences between best-of-ones and best-of-threes as well as regional differences and a comparison with traditional sports.

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